eScooter For Hotels & Resorts… A Hotel Service that actually works in Canada!

E- Scooters are a great way to get around your city or resort, whether you’re going from point A to B, or just exploring a new part of town. We know how important it is for hotel guests to be able to explore their destination and stay connected with the world around them. If you’re looking for an exciting new way for your travellers to experience the great outdoors without breaking the bank, we’ve got some news: eScooters are here! They’re fun, affordable and environmentally- friendly vehicles that will add some excitement and excitement to any trip.

eScooter For Hotels & Resorts… A Hotel Service that actually works in Canada!

eScooters are a great way to get around in the city, mountains or anywhere else you want to go. They are also fun, convenient and easy to use.

The battery life on an eScooter is up to 20 km (12 miles) per charge – that’s enough for most people who live or work in Toronto or Vancouver. In Quebec City, it would easily get you from one side of town to another!

You can rent one from any major rental location like ABLE Rentals Canada Ltd., Airborne Rental Canada Ltd., Just Go Rentals Canada Ltd., Drivezy Rental Canada Ltd., etc.; however there may be additional costs involved with purchasing one outright vs renting just so that you’ll save money over time as opposed being able t0 purchase one outright.”

Why are Hotels and Resorts looking at eScooters?

The first reason that hotels and resorts are looking at eScooters is because they are a cost-efficient way to offer a new and exciting amenity to their guests.

The second reason why hotels and resorts are looking at eScooters is because they make it easier for people with mobility challenges to get around the city, or just around town. And if you have trouble walking, riding an electric scooter can be fun!

What are the PROs of having a eScooter Share program in your Hotel or Resort?

The PROs of having a eScooter Share program in your Hotel or Resort:

  1. The hotel guests can enjoy the free ride with their families and friends instead of walking all the way.
  2. It will help to reduce traffic congestion because there are less cars on the road, which means fewer accidents and less air pollution.
  3. With eScooters, you can travel at a much faster speed than walking, so you’ll get to your destination faster and save money on gas costs!
  4. Your guests can also use it as an opportunity to explore new places around town and meet new people, who may otherwise not have been able to visit your hotel due to its location or distance from other attractions.

What are the CONs of having a eScooter Share program in your Hotel or Resort?

The cons of having a eScooter Share program in your hotel or resort are:

  • You have to be sure that all the guests will respect the rules of the scooter. If they don’t, you’re going to have problems with them.
  • It can be expensive when it comes to maintenance and repairs on your vehicles.

Do you need more information about how an E- Scooter rental option can work for you? Contact us now!

Our team is happy to help you with any questions or concerns. Contact us online or by phone at 403-589-9685

We can help you plan for your future, whether it’s now or in the near future!

Learn how to add E- Scooters to your business with our hotel programs.

E-Scooters are a great way to get around in your city, and they’re also a great way to attract guests. If you’re thinking about adding them to your property, we can help. We offer programs that include everything.

We are here to help you make your business a success! We have different programs that can work for all types of businesses, so please give us a call if you would like more information on how an E- Scooter rental option can work for you.

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